Issue 33 Spring 2011

Welcome to the first 2011 issue of The Scoop

As the new editors, we're excited to bring articles to you indicative of current topics/trends in the Research sector.  In this issue, we have received articles on three topics.  The Scoop's co-editor Shelly Steenhorst-Baker has compiled and analyzed the results of a Survey on Prospect Management in Canadian Nonprofits she conducted about a fortnight ago.  An article on Strategic Prospect Research was submitted by Sandra Gomez of the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology Polytechnic (SAIT).  And, a third article was authored by Melody Song, also of SAIT, on the ease and value of Relationship Mapping.  We are certain that you will find all of them informative and inspiring.

So, who are these new co-editors you ask?  Well, my esteemed colleague Shelly Steenhorst-Baker is the Manager of Research and Records at Carleton University.  I am Sharina Janif, a Research Development Officer at the University of British Columbia.  Together, we have over twelve years of experience in development research and we're very excited to put some of that experience to good use as co-editors of The Scoop.  We hope to encourage people in the sector to inspire all of us with their articles, relevant updates, trend alerts - anything and everything that pertains to Research in Canada.

As always, we welcome your comments, questions, and critiques about The Scoop so please feel free to email us.  Lastly, we would like to thank all our talented contributors in this issue for their enlightening articles.  If for some reason, you weren't able to contribute to this issue, we encourage you to send us your article for the summer 2011 issue.

Happy reading!

The Scoop Co-Editors,

Sharina Janif                        Shelly SteenhorstBaker   



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