Issue 34 Summer 2011

Welcome to the summer 2011 issue of The Scoop!

We are very excited by the top notch content we have for you in this issue.

The key theme of this issue is international research and we have several articles to help dip your feet into a growing area of prospect research. Start yourself off with the amazing overview of prospect research around the Globe for The Rotary Foundation in the submission from Sabine Schuller. Next, delve in-depth into China. Melody Song's article on Philanthropy in China explains the history and culture of philanthropy in China.  Erica Sum provides a how-to guide for completing research in Chinese without reading Chinese. Many of the principles from her article can follow you for international research in other languages you cannot read.

Janice Cunning, the keynote speaker at the MARC Conference, gives us the highlights of her talk with her article, Leadership - Joyful and Universal. Finally, join Alice Wen on her journey into the field of prospect research with her article, Experience of a prospect researcher intern: Reflections on how my research transformed me. Both of these articles speak to the joy we can all continue to find in our chosen field. In the hustle and bustle of profiles prepared, prospects managed and metrics met, it is refreshing to think about why you love what you do and how to make your career even better.

A special thank you to our talented contributors for their enriching and engaging articles for this issue. If for some reason, you weren't able to contribute to this issue, we encourage you to send us your article for the Fall 2011 issue.

As always, we welcome your comments, questions, and critiques about The Scoop so please feel free to email us.

Happy reading!

The Scoop Co-Editors,

Sharina Janif                 Shelly SteenhorstBaker

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