Issue 34 Summer 2011

Treasurer’s Report

July 15, 2011

Mark Neilans


July is here and with it comes the time to renew our Apra Canada memberships. In the past, this has been a fairly seamless process – mailed cheques and Paypal payments are made, people’s memberships are renewed and everyone moves on with vacations and patios.


This year has been a bit different. With the postal strike running through most of June, and our Paypal system working intermittingly, there have been delays in renewing everyone’s memberships. But now that the strike is over, I am receiving a lot of cheques everyday. Our VP, Membership, Gretchen Wintermeyer, and I have been processing the renewals as quickly as we can – so we appreciate your patience with this.


If you haven’t had a chance to renew your membership, there is still time. Please check the Apra Canada website for details.


Now over to our finances - currently, we have $58,282.07 in cash on hand. We haven’t had any major expenses over the past few months, just our regular teleconference fees.


Overall, the chapter continues to be in a very strong financial position moving forward.


Enjoy the summer!

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