Issue 43 March 2014

By Melissa Young, Director, Regional Reps  | Manager, Prospect Research, QEII Health Science Centre Foundation

Happy Spring!  On behalf of the APRA Canada Board and as your Director, Regional Reps I would like to take the opportunity to reach out to you all to encourage you to get together to network with colleagues from other organizations in your area. 

As you’re all aware, APRA Canada provides up to $10 per member towards food or drink and will cover funding for these types of social gatherings twice a year.  As a regional rep in my area we normally get together in the summer or just before the Christmas holiday.

TRY A NEW IDEA:  Instead of the normal social restaurant gathering, why not host a lunch & learn session on a specific research topic.  You could brown bag lunch or order some pizza!

Vacant Regional Rep Positions:

  • APRA Canada still needs regional reps in the following locations and provinces:  Vancouver, BC, Waterloo/Kitchener, Saskatchewan, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island.  If there are any members from these areas who are interested in getting involved you can email me at

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