Issue 46 February 2016

By Selene Hur – Director, Mentorship

The start of a new year often has us thinking about what we would like to do differently. Have you set any goals for 2016? If you are thinking about personal and/or career development opportunities, you should consider participating in APRA Canada’s Mentoring Program.

Mentorship is a mutually beneficial relationship for a mentor and a mentee. Two individuals are paired together and work on agreed-upon goals over a period of time. APRA Canada offers this cornerstone of professional development which links new and experienced researchers. Listed below are some reasons why you should make this one of your top goals for 2016.

Why volunteer your time to be a mentor?

·         Help a fellow researcher advance in the field

·         Exchange ideas and different perspectives

·         Have the chance to reflect on your own practices

·         Develop personal leadership and coaching skills

·         And many more reasons!

Why participate as a mentee?

·         Build confidence as strengths and weaknesses are explored with someone you trust

·         Exchange ideas and different perspectives

·         Benefit from the experiences of another researcher

·         Receive guidance on professional development

·         And many more reasons!

Check out the APRA Canada website for more information about our Mentoring Program. As well, feel free to contact me for details or to have a chat about what you might be looking for. 

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