Issue 46 February 2016

By Shannon Doherty, Director, Communications

A big thank you goes out to Melody Song, who did a great job managing the communications portfolio during her tenure as Director of Communications!


Melody worked on importing the membership list to Mailchimp, this was to ensure that members receive the correct communications. The membership list is uploaded to the APRA’s Mailchimp account monthly. Through Mailchimp, consent requests and tracking were implemented.

There were various issues with the website and database. Thank you to our webmaster, Julie Linkletter, for tirelessly working on resolving many database problems.

When Melody’s tenure as Director of Communications ended in Dec. 2015, she suggested starting a committee to investigate website/database options, she suggested that Julie Linkletter, Webmaster and Melissa Young, Director of Membership should be included as members.

There are three options could be explored:

a) Staying with the current provider and what needs to be improved;

b) Going with Wild Apricot with the APRA discount;

c) Finding another provider (compare Wild Apricot with some of the other providers)

Membership survey:

A membership survey was not distributed in 2015. It was recommended that a survey should be distributed in 2016.

Job Postings:

Job postings in 2015 have been steady. 50-60 job postings/year.

Social Media:

· Twitter: 690 followers (15% increase)

· Linkedin group members: 458 members (11% increase)

· Prospect L: 582 members (2% increase)

The Scoop:

· The editors of the Scoop’s tenure ended in 2015 (thank you, Susan Loh and Kat Carson for your excellent work)!

· Laura Avery and Carly Koshman graciously volunteered to be co-editors of the Scoop.


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