Issue 47 June 2016
 Prospect Research: Fundraising’s Secret Weapon (a fundraiser's perspective) Prospect researchers are fundraisers’ secret weapons. When you’re on the fundraising treadmill – hustling to raise that money – you may not think about prospect researchers’ value, but you know you aren’t nearly as good without them.In my experience, prospect researchers are especially amazing for two reasons (it was hard to pick two). #1 – Tracking donors/prospects down I was once dying to get in touch with a donor who had made a massive gift about a decade earlier, and his name was – get this – David Michael. I don’t mind saying his exact name, because it’s not exactly uncommon. When I told the amazing prospect researcher I worked with that I was trying to get in touch with him, she said, “Wow… a guy with two first names. That’ll be easy.” The crazy part is that she did track him down. And I got a meeting. And he made another gift! It never would’ve happened without the power of PR. #2 – Getting you prepped When you’re able to do the hardest thing in fundraising – booking the donor meeting – you know you can’t waste the opportunity. That’s another reason prospect researchers are so essential; they give you the power to maximize your time with donors. A great researcher shares as much qualitative research as quantitative, so that you not only know their stock options, but you also know their passions. As much as I love the experience of learning about the donor for the first time sitting across their living room from them, I love even more feeling prepared and ready to make the big ask. And I was never able to do it without prospect research. With #prospectresearchlove, --Maeve |  

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