Issue 49 March 2017

It’s my pleasure to serve as Interim President of Apra Canada! I look forward to working with my fellow Board members to build upon the great work accomplished by our predecessors. Being new to this role, I was fortunate to attend the annual Apra Chapter Leaders’ Summit in Chicago where I had the chance to meet members of the Apra international Board, as well as many Board members from other chapters. The 2-day meeting gave us the opportunity to highlight successes, share information and common challenges, and network.

If you haven’t visited our chapter’s website recently, you may not have realized that Apra now has a new logo. At the Summit, we learned about the efforts that went into Apra’s recent rebranding process. Why was this rebranding necessary? Here are the key reasons:

·         support the organization’s plan to expand its focus and activity to include advocating on behalf of the profession

·         increase awareness of the broad and specialized role of prospect development

·         address concerns of a dated logo and clarify the usage of “apra” (acronym vs. word)  

·         create the foundation to assist the organization to appeal to new audiences (i.e. analytics function) 

Be sure to check out this video:

Professional development offerings was also a hot topic at the Summit as this is one of the main reasons why we each hold an Apra membership. From webinars, to conferences, to think tanks – many ideas were exchanged and challenges discussed. Speaking of webinars, if you missed Apra’s Chapters Share the Knowledge Week in early February, just follow this link to access the free webinars:

Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or suggestions!

Warm regards,

Selene Hur, MISt

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